Blog Posts

Welcome and Purpose (16 July 2023)

A’niin! Boozhoo! Nindizhinikaaz Kenzie and welcome to my website. I wanted to begin the blog section by providing some structure and purpose to my website and efforts in general. (My introduction can be found on the home page!)

To brief the structure, the website includes various components important to me including (but potentially not limited to): marketplace, blog posts, community leads, portfolios, resources, and contacts. 

Community leads is an area where I will post and discuss community questions and responses towards localized and contextual problems – the goal is community involvement, advocacy, and sharing of views. 

The goal of this platform is to share my experiences to empower others in my community. My advocacy has a wide range that I’d like to empower people of all kinds of strengths and experiences of hardship and marginalization. This includes but is not limited to experiences of: being indigenous, mental health disability and trauma, post-secondary student obstacles, youth/Gen Z views and struggles, art as an outlet, as well as local advocacy. 

Knowledge is power. That is the goal. Community empowerment is what influences change, and if this is what I can do to contribute for now, so be it! I look forward to hearing from you!